TiT @ Freiburg
30-31 May & 01 June 2025
El Corazon Tango Club
Hinterkirchstr. 21
79108 Freiburg (DE)
The Venue
Tango club Corazón is our home for this third edition of Totally in Tango in Freiburg. They have existed for 25 years now and are very happy to support a double-role tango event in their community.
The venue has a high-quality wooden dance floor, a good sound system, and a bar. Daylight streams in through big windows. There is a 'garden' area for us to cool down between dances. I'm sure we'll have a great time.
You will find local travel information to the venue on this page.
Salón de Tango
The Program
Friday, May 30,
18.00 – 19.15 Open drop-in workshop by Francesco
19.30 - 01.00 Milonga, DJ Marion (@ home)
Saturday, May 31,
12.00 - 13.30 Open drop-in workshop by Francesco
14.00 - 19.00 Milonga, DJ tba (open air weather permitting - on the famous 3 diamonds dance floor)
21.00 – 02.00 Milonga, DJ ShiPik (DE)
Sunday, June 01,
11.30 - 13.00 Open drop-in workshop by Francesco
13.30 - 18.30 Milonga, DJ Julija + Life music C'est Pico Tango
20.30 – 23.30 Afterparty, DJ Julija (we are joined by the regular El Corazon members)
Saturday, May 31
19:00-20:30 Dinner @ restaurant Parsian (next doors to the
dance venue. Included in the event price.)
Sunday, June 01.
18:30-20:00 Dinner @ restaurant Parsian (next door to the
dance venue. Included in the event price)
Small snacks and drinks throughout the event.
We can not serve or eat meals in the dance venue. We have partnered with the restaurant next door for evening meals. For your lunch in between the day workshops and the milonga, there are several cafes in the neighborhood.
The Teacher
Your participation fee is € 110.
Accommodation is not included.
Payment at the start of the event.
Pricing & Registration
We welcome all dancers who enjoy double-role dancing.
No need to register with a partner.
We all dance with each other.
Is your friend/partner (still) a single-role dancer? You are both welcome.
Your participation fee is 150 Euro
Accommodation is not included.
Your participation will only be
confirmed by us after the reception
of your participation fee.
No single-day passes will be sold.
Registration only via the link on this page.